Monday, July 7, 2014

Blogpost 8: Google and Apple

When we are talking about the largest companies in the world we often think about Coke, Google, Samsung, Apple, Mcdonalds and more when it comes internationally. And by searching and reading through articles, I've discovered that two of the said companies are very powerful and creating stuff that could make or break the Earth. In this blogpost I'm going to show you the articles and theories that are connected that I've read.
According to an article by Jolie Lee entitled  "What's with those Google barges? Theories abound" from it says that there are barges on San Francisco Bay and Maine's Portland Harbor, floating barges that looks like the fictional largest company in Disney Pixar's film Wall-e, the Buy N Large. It also showed a connection from the film since the code for those barges are in binary codes. And the thery goes on.

Moving on, as the article says, "The San Francisco barge belongs to a company by the name of By and Large LLC, perhaps an homage to the fictional company Buy N Large in the animated film WALL-E" You see, even the barges belong to a company named By and Large LLC, not exactly as Buy N Large but it's really close enough.

For this first article, I can say that this isn't impossible to happen since Google is one of the largest company in the world from, search engine, android operating system and more. They have enough money, and power to make the impossible possible.

Moving on, another article by Matt Novak entitled  "What if Google is Building WALL-E Robots Under the Name "By And Large" from it says that it is still a mystery of what Google's real plan for the barge, for the floating, barge and as we can see the partner of Google is the By N Large LLC as mentioned above, it's a shell company, together with Google they are building something super secret. And by looking at this photo from Disney Pixar's film Wall-E, Buy N Large had a gasoline station that fuels the robots:
As the article says, "Only time will tell. But if Google has plans to set up an artificial island nation in international waters, I'd say the least they can do is build us a WALL-E or two to help clean up the mess we've been left with here on land." Well, I hope that Google and By And Large LLC's intention is to really just clean and fix the mess in the Earth soon and not trick the mind of the people that in the end will be the cause of the destruction of the Earth like what happened in Disney Pixar's film Wall-E.

For the second article, I can say that it is connected to the last article that I've read about Apple because in the end, Matt Novak said that "Though I'm sure if Google is building WALL-E, Apple's EVE shouldn't be too far behind." this is why I conducted a research for articles about EVE.

An article by Alex Billington entitled "Apple's Designer Actually Helped Design Wall-E's Eve Robot" from it says that the designer of EVE is from Apple, Jonathan Ive, the great designer of Mac, iPhone, iPhone and other Apple's products. It says that Jonathan Ive helped Andrew Stanton, the director of Wall-E design EVE.

As the article says, "I wanted Eve to be high-end technology - no expense spared - and I wanted it to beseamless and for the technology to be sort of hidden and subcutaneous," Andrew Stanton, Wall-E's director, told Fortune. Well, there's no wonder who was the designer of EVE, or there's no doubt who designed EVE since EVE looks like the Apple's Products like the color of the latest white iPhones, Mac, and iTouch.

In summation, everyone wants and dares to make the possible impossible in every ways, there's no exact time of when will this really happen. But there are possibilities since the technology is really advance now. And it would be awesome if Google and Apple will work together not just to fix the mess in Earth but to provide it before bad things happen like what happened in Wall-E, because I believe that prevention is always better than cure.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Blogpost 7: Nostalgia connected to Nature.

As what I know about nostalgia, nostalgia is a memory usually triggered by our senses that brings back memories you want to relive the whole past in your mind with tearfully smile on your face. Well, I know everybody has already encountered this yet but most of them have no idea what is it called. Most people hate feeling nostalgic and think it is bad because if you keep thinking of things that happen to you or how you were feeling such happines back then, it slowly destroy your normal life that you are living in the present. For me, nostalgia is good, but with little remembering. And in this blogpost, I'm going to show you how nostalgia is connected to Disney Pixar's film Wall-E and how Nostalgia is good.

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Moving on, according to an article by Robin L. Murray entitled "WALL-E: from environmental adaptation to sentimental nostalgia" from it says that Disney Pixar's film Wall-E is a one of kind because it was able to connect nostalgia with nature. As Wall-E collects trash you can see that most of what Wall-E collected seemed so precious to him, probably because of his programmer. And remember when Wall-E was watching Holly Dolly? He was hoping to see people again doing stuff like what the people in Holly Dolly did. This is why Wall-E treasures every trash he collects that seem so valuable because he also doesn't want to be alone.

As the article says, "Although many reviewers note the film's nostalgic appeal, however, none of them connect this nostalgia with nature. Instead, they highlight WALL-E’s nostalgia for human." it only shows that from what Wall-E had seen in the Holly Dolly was all the happy memories that people have had in the Earth when they were here. In the Holly Dolly clip, there were people smiling, dancing and singing and the place is far different from what Wall-E had seen.

I can say that nostalgia helps everyone to be reminded what happened, and by knowing what happened, people will learn from it, deal with it, face it and give it a solution.

Moving on, according to a very long article by Kathleen Stewart entitled "Nostalgia- A Polemic." from page 227 it says that nostalgia is essential because it is a tool that can make anyone to move about what to do. It gives anyone a reason to do something.

As the article says, "Nostalgia, like the economy it runs with, is everywhere. But it is a cultural practice, not a given content; its forms, meanings, and effects shift with the context — it depends on where the speaker stands in the landscape of the present." Without nostalgia there would be no futurel, you see, without the past there would be no present and future, nostalgia is very important since it helps someone values the culture and know where they came from. Remembering when Captain saw the plant, he experienced nostalgia which drove him crazy and searched for images and informations about the Earth.

In summation, Disney Pixar's film Wall-E showed how nostalgia was connected by the nature, once you smell something like the trees or flowers, it takes you back from that moment, like what happened when people in Axiom saw the plant as well. No one can go forward without looking back.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Blogpost 6: It's happening.

After watching Disney Pixar's movie 'Wall-E' a lot of realization came through my mind such as did this happen before? Did this happen before in other planet? And is this going to happen soon? And am I going to be a part of it where I'm going to be witnessing that kind of situation? Well, through reading some articles I've found out what happened in Disney Pixar's movie 'Wall-E' is possibly going to happen in the future.

Moving on, according to an article by Jeffrey Tucker entitled "A Jetsons or Wall-E Future" from relating to my previous blogpost about Capitalism it says that the people could specifically chose life with struggle, risk, work-harding but yet so rewarding but no, because of what Buy N Large corporation offered, people chose satisfaction, desire and comfort over the life with pain yet with prize and as we can see now and now as we can see, it really is happening because of people's too much reliance in technology.

Moving on, as the article says "Thus, when it comes to the systems that guide our progress, we should ask ourselves which is best suited to deliver a version of growth that is not only real and lasting, but also real and healthy — one that maintains a proper balance of self-interest, moral priorities, and consequences." indeed, you see, before people must use their own body literally like running and walking for them to just go to another place but now people can use things that can transfer them from one place to another without wasting too much time and effort and they are cars, motorcycles, scooters, and more. Basically, people can rely job on some machines but most people choose to give all the tasks to machines.

Therefore, as the technology is improving the higher possibility it will be happening.

Moving on, another article by Brian Krier entitled "WALL-E issues a stark warning about Earth’s future" from it says and shows what people could give and sacrifice in order to fulfill their desires and satisfactions. You see, there are a lot of big companies that their goal is to be the only existing company like what Buy N Large corporation's goal.

As the article says, "The film cleverly illustrates that things previously taken for granted, even things as simple as the color green itself, will not last unless respected." But no, as you can see now, most people do not respect the environment, deforestation for buildings, dynamite fishing, deceived by how technology can make life easier without you even moving, with you feeling like you're a powerful god. Getting something with pain and struggle yet rewarding will be more valuable. I believe.

In summation, due to too much reliance to technology and not even giving a damn about the Earth. It will happen, and now it's slowly happening. And even if it's SLOWLY happening, it's still happening.